Friday, January 11, 2019

The Groveland Four Have Been Pardoned!

Seventy years ago, in the summer of 1949,  in Groveland Florida, a white teenager falsely accused four young black men of kidnapping and raping her.

Two of the men were shot, the other two were wrongfully convicted and lived horrendous lives.  Other African Americans were traumatized including having their houses burned down.

It's a horrible, shameful chapter in Florida history.   If you want to know more, several books have been written including the Pulitzer Prize winning Devil on the Grove by Gilbert King.

The other side of this story is that people have been working for decades to get justice for these young men and their families.

Today it happened.  They were officially pardoned by the State of Florida.  Thank you Governor Ron DeSantis.

I'm overflowing with a thankful heart for all of those who wouldn't give up, including many of my friends and family.  And I am especially proud of those of you who hung in because of your spiritual commitment.  It has not been easy.  I, myself, have been confronted  on this issue ("It's water over the bridge, Give it up.") by seemingly well meaning people in my church.

I'm just finishing up my Richard Rohr devotional, Breathing Under Water.  Here is a quote I read just this morning.

Until people's basic egocentricity is radically exposed, revealed for what it is, and foundational redirected, much religion becomes occupied with rearranging deck chairs on a titanic cruise ship, cruising with isolated passengers, each maintaining his or her personal program for happiness, while the whole ship is sinking. 

This quote could apply to my church and my nation.  Thank you again to those of you who continue to fight the good fight - because it's the right thing to do.
