Several years ago Dave and I were in Barcelona for a day. We got to visit the world famous Sagrada Famila (Sacred Family) Roman Catholic Church. It was originally designed by Antoni Gaudi. Even though it was started 130 years ago, it's still unfinished. In 1926 Goudi was walking to the church when he was hit by a tram. The eccentric 73 year old world famous architect was mistaken for a homeless man and pretty much left to die.
But the building of the church goes on. For instance, the church currently has eight towers - but when it's completed it will have eighteen towers.

I had heard of the church but had no idea what to expect. I found it to be overwhelmingly over the top. But then when we were able to see smaller areas of the facade we saw the life of Jesus depicted in sculpture. We saw the Nativity, the Suffering and one called Glory that pretty much tells the entire Jesus story - life, death and resurrection - in exquisite carvings.
This was all on the
outside of the church. We never got inside.
Tomorrow David and I are taking an overnight flight to Barcelona. We have our Sagrada Famila tickets and plan to spend a good portion of Saturday exploring the
inside of this cathedral. I'll let you know how it goes.