Saturday, September 1, 2018

Reincarnation is a Can Of Worms

The other day when we were having a lively discussion on reincarnation, Dave's son summed it up by saying "So I guess reincarnation is a can of worms."


This discussion began by Dave saying (as he has many times) that he's loved his life so much that he wouldn't mind coming back and doing it all over again.  I can't even go there.  Too many variables.  I feel good about the life I've lived, mistakes, tragedies, victories, love - the whole shebang - but I would not want to do it again.

A few decades ago the reincarnation concept was extremely popular. I had more than one person tell me that the reason they were so in love with their soul mates that they had to have been hooked up somehow in past lives.  This was their "proof" of reincarnation.

Some time in the 1970s I finally got this out of my system by writing a poem.


The little things you do
Have such a profound effect
On my being
That it seems certain
Our lives have touched
In generations past. 

Ah, but here's the rub,
I didn't like you then, 

So, yes Jeff, reincarnation can be a Can Of Worms.
