Friday, July 27, 2018

Your Vote is Your Voice

I like having a voice.  That's one reason I write this blog.  It's also the reason I vote.  I've voted in almost every election since I've been eligible - and that's a very long time.  I've voted for Democrats, Republicans and Independents.

Compared to other 1st world countries, we Americans have a dismal voting record.  We do a lot of yelling but very little voting.

In the beginning only rich (land owning) white guys could vote.  Then, after the Civil War, the 15th Amendment, ratified in 1870, prohibited states from denying any male citizen from voting. Period!

However, it wasn't until the Voting Rights Act of 1965 - accompanied by blood, sweat and tears and in which I'm proud to say I had a small part -that African Americans were finally able to vote.

Likewise, in 1920, after a century of protest (including blood, sweat and tears,) women were able to vote.

It creams my corn when I hear some guy say that his family all voted for (fill in the blank.)  He doesn't know who his family voted for.  It's a secret ballet.  You can vote for whomever you want and nobody knows - unless you tell them.  And it's not polite to ask!

 I hope you are registered to vote.  If not, Google how to get registered.  If it seems hard there are loads of people who will help you.  Find a phone number on the voter registration page and call it or call your local party or the League of Women Voters.

Dave and I are early voters.  We receive the ballet in the mail.  I sit on the couch, look it over, and if I'm not sure about some race I look up the candidates to see what they stand for.  Do Dave and I vote for the same people?  I have no idea.  It's a secret ballet.

The Florida primary is August 28.  If you live elsewhere it's coming right up in your state as well.  And for you readers in other countries, let's keep our freedom by voting (although most of you do a much better job than we do.)
