Will Irma visit our house? We don't know. But you know you're in trouble when Anderson Cooper shows up on your local TV screen.
We're as ready as we can be. But for what? We don't know. Our hotels are full of people who've been chased off the east coast of South Florida. Now Irma has decided not to visit the east coast. (Maybe.)
I'm getting ready to lead a five week noon luncheon study at my church on "The Cultivated Life" by Susan Phillips. She compares this cultivated life to a "Circus" life. In the circus some people are constantly performing (think all news channels today) while others are just watching and getting excited and nervous. (Think every person in Florida.) The watchers are thinking "I'm not doing enough." "I don't know enough."
And just when we think we might be getting it - "It" changes.
The Cultivated Life is all about relationships. There are people trying to grab the last loaf of bread in the convenience store and there are people giving the last loaf of bread to somebody else. This afternoon my friend invited us to go with several people in our neighborhood to the movies to see the new Reese Witherspoon film.
It's a romantic comedy and has nothing to do with whether or not we're all gonna die tomorrow at 4 p.m.
Of course, the most helpful relationship is the one we have with a God who loves and cares for us. Except if, in fact, you believe that God is sending these monster hurricanes to teach us a lesson. In that case, you're on your own.