Thursday, February 2, 2017

Are You Comfortable?

The other day I heard a quote from one of my favorite speakers, Jon Tschanz.

Get comfortable with the uncomfortable.

There are a number of things making me uncomfortable right now.  How about you?  What are you doing about it?  Is it helping?

I remember, a few months after 9-11, the director of homeland security put us under even higher alert and Tina Fey responded on SNL by shouting "I can't BE on any higher alert."

Jon mentioned people who are "pain avoiders."  This can get us into trouble because we try to get comfortable by doing some negative things.  Like kicking the dog or drinking a quart of gin.  A friend told me a while back that he was  grateful for marijuana in times like these. (I think he was teasing me.)

Yesterday I met (as I always do) with my Power Rangers.  We've met every Wednesday for about 25 years.  We discussed the great spiritual leader, Richard Rohr.  I left feeling comfortable with my discomfort of the day.

On Tuesday Dave and I went to the Orlando Museum of Art to see the new Wyeth exhibit.  While I was a little disappointed  because there wasn't much Wyeth, we strolled throughout the entire museum.  I was mesmerized by a video titled "Blood from a Stone."  In the video a young woman struggles to lift twelve 75 pound stones, one at a time, onto a high shelf.  As soon as she gets one positioned correctly, the stone begins to bleed.  Does this sound crazy?  It's art.  It made me feel good.  It made me feel strong.  I watched it twice.

When Jon spoke, he told this story.  Early in the morning he stopped by a 7-Eleven.  Outside was a homeless man who asked Jon for some breakfast.  When John asked him what he wanted, he man said, "A breakfast pizza."  So Jon went back in, bought the homeless man a breakfast pizza and gave it to him. The man was very grateful and shared some kind and comforting words with Jon.

And Jon thought, "Did I just give Jesus a breakfast pizza?'

This story made me feel strong enough to bare the uncomfortable - one more day.
