Friday, November 18, 2016

Healthy Bodies and Brains

Throw This Away
Yesterday Dave and I attended a lecture by Marian Chase.  She owns Pro-Active Health Orlando and, as such, is an expert on heading off bad health stuff at the pass.  Yesterday she was emphasizing brain health, but her presentation applies to everybody.

While I picked up (and have acted on) some of her ideas, others are just too hard.  I don't know how any regular person could accomplish it.  Here are some examples from her handout.


  • Wild cold water fish, salmon, anchovies, sardines
  • Free Range beef and pork 
  • Wild blueberries, cranberries, blackberries
  • Green veggies
  • Deeply colored fruits
  • Organic eggs
  • Coconut oil, olive oil
  • Nuts, seeds

Most of this seems doable to me and I have revised my grocery list.  However, the next part does not seem doable.


  • Processed food
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Store bought cookies, cakes, breads, crackers and cereal (everything that comes in a box)
  • All wheat products (unless you get your wheat from Europe)
  • Aluminum, including baking soda, pots, deodorant, antacids
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Glad plug ins, scented candles, dryer sheets, hand sanitizer, antibacterial soaps

We all know I am never again going to bake a cake or cookies, and I'm certainly not going to make our own cereal.  So I never have them again?  Very sad for me.  I can't wear deodorant?  Very sad for you.

There were some good suggestions for getting enough sunshine, exercise, sleep, prayer and meditation.  Also know your numbers. Dave and I already do these things pretty well.

She had great suggestions for supplements but we'd have to be richy, rich to use all of them.

I know Marian Chase is right about most everything but until our culture accepts these new paradigms I don't know how we can go it alone.

Here's my take-away.  We can eat even more fruits and veggies.  Today we had sandwiches but I bought fresh, thin sliced bread from the bakery.  I'm thinking about replacing some of our pans with stainless steel but it's expensive and everything sticks to the bottom.

In the meantime, I think I'll just hang with the Apostle Paul's, "All things in moderation."
