Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Crocs Are Now Evangelists

I love the comic strip, Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis.  One of the story lines has to do with man-eating crocodiles.  It's my favorite.  The women and children crocs are normal.  The men are predators and really, really stupid.  (Exampled by their "baby-talk.)  The women and children have excellent vocabularies.

Since the crocs aren't bright they fail miserably at catching their prey.  There is even a zebra living next door who's pretty nonchalant about the chase.

So in this strip the crocs have become door-to-door evangelists.  They're dressed like Mormons but they could be most any denomination - that knocks on doors.   I think there's actually a theological thing going on here because I've had folks come to my door eager to tell me about "dying tonight."

One of my favorite plot lines a while back was Larry (the croc,) desperate because he couldn't support his family, got a job at Starbucks.

Surprisingly he fit right in but then they had to fire him when he ate one of the customers.
