Sunday, May 17, 2015

I'm Sorry

(I'm sorry) I'm sorry
(So sorry) So sorry
Please accept my apology...
   -  Recorded by Brenda Lee, 1960

I know this sounds crazy but over the many decades I've lived in Florida (and especially Central Florida) I have found myself apologizing to tourist families for our occasional bad weather.  Like I had something to do with it!

The other crazy part is that some vacationers have acknowledged my apology like it was something I certainly should have done - although it didn't help.  It was still raining and they were still mad.
I was reminded of this last week when I was in Dallas for a few hours and read an article in The Dallas Morning News about the "Draw the Prophet" event in Garland, Texas where two terrorists were killed trying to get into the event center.

The upshot was that mainstream Muslims were all over the country were expected to apologize.  The Friday after the event a man walked into a 7-Eleven in Troy, Michigan, shouted anti-Muslim racial slurs at the clerk and punched the manager in the face.

I'm a Floridian.  Do I have to apologize for every stupid thing a fellow Floridian does?  If so, I would have time for nothing else.  It takes me long enough to record many of the more entertaining stupid things on this blog.

I'm a Christian.  Do I have to apologize every time a religious nut job does something mean and dangerous in the name of Jesus?  That, also, would take some time.

Seriously, every time some person who identifies with a teeny fraction of brainwashed, medieval, barbaric criminals in the Middle East does something atrocious - do you really need the entire Muslim community - all 1.6 billion of them - to say they're sorry?

I don't think even that would satisfy - because like Jon Stewart said (jokingly) of his Muslim correspondent - he just wasn't "denounce-y" enough.
