Trader Joe's finally arrived in Winter Park, Florida, amongst great fanfare, of course. We stayed away for three weeks due to traffic jams in the parking lot and in the store. But last week we were finally ready to buy some wine.
As every person in the world knows, Trader Joe's is famous for it's wine. It's cheap and good.
Before I tell you about my Trader Joe's experience I need to remind you about my drinking habits. I have one glass of white wine every evening. I plan to do this for the rest of my life or until somebody makes me stop.
Trader's Joe's famous Charles Shaw wine "Three Buck Chuck" was plentiful. I bought three bottles of pinot grigio and two chardonnays.

Only after I drank a glass of the pinot I had a very bad night, including nightmares bordering on hallucinations. It was awful. But just to be sure it was the wine, I had another glass the next night. When I woke up in the middle of the night scared out of my wits, I got on the computer to see if I was going to die - or go crazy.
A lot of inexpensive wines are from the dregs (literally the bottom of the barrel) and have tannins and sulfites that affect some people. Also, I'd read that folks who don't sweat much (like me) have a hard time getting rid of toxins. Yikes.
I just happened to have a regular appointment with my dermatologist the next day so I told him the story above and asked for his advice.
His advice follows; Don't buy any more three dollar wine.
But there's a wonderful ending to this story. I tried the Chardonnay. I like it. It doesn't make me sick but it does knock me out. One glass and I'm off to sleep.
That's a good thing. So thanks, Trader Joe's.