I kind of freaked out my son by texting him that we'd seen a clip from "Wedding Crashers" up on the big screen as part of the scripture reading. As you may know, "Wedding Crashers" is not a religious movie.
In the 20 second clip wedding crashers John and Jeremy are sitting in the pew as a bridesmaid goes up to read scripture.
John says: 20 bucks, First Corinthians.
Jeremy says: Double or nothing Colossians 3:12.
Of course, John won.

Does that make this scripture a cliche?
Dr. Bob clearly let us know the answer.
So we know that, while it's sometimes clearly misused, it can never be a cliche.
So let me close by clearly misusing the scripture but, never the less, telling a truth.
- Dave is patient.
- Dave is kind.
- Dave does not envy.
- Dave does not boast.
- Dave is not proud.
- Dave is not rude.
- Dave is not self-seeking.
- Dave is not easily angered.
- Dave keeps no record of wrongs.
- Dave does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth.
- Dave always protects.
- Dave always trusts.
- Dave always hopes.
- Dave always perseveres.
- Dave never gives up.