As you know, I like redemption movies. You're probably scratching your head wondering how I could call "Dallas Buyers Club" a redemption movie. It is to me - and even in a scriptural way. In the old testament the title "kinsman-redeemer" referred to the relative who saved a widow from starving by marrying her. Most notable in the book of Ruth where Ruth makes herself available to Boaz in order to save herself and her mother-in-law, Naomi.
But I digress.
Dallas Buyers Club is about Ron Woodroof, who, in the process of doing drugs and drinking himself to death, discovers he has AIDS. He's given one month to live. The diagnosis turns this marginal and very distasteful person into a fighter for the rights of persons afflicted with HIV-AIDS. And, by the way, he hates gays.
This mostly disgusting 24 hour a day party-er/brawler becomes, in pretty short order, a scientist/world wide drug smuggler - all in order to save AIDS patients. His unlikely business partner and new best friend is transsexual Rayon.
This true story, about Ron Woodroof, and other patients like him, who started these Buyers Clubs around the country, saved thousands of lives. And, along the way, Woodroof saved his own. He lived for seven years.
Matthew McConaughey plays Ron Woodroof. I think the massive amount of weight he lost for this roll is questionable but he was excellent in this roll.
Am I recommending this movie? Maybe. It features the underbelly of our country. I think it's good for people like me, who are no longer exposed to this world to be reminded that this is the way many of us live.
But if you're offended by horrible language, disgusting heterosexual sex, homosexual sex, heavy drug use (all kinds, good and bad) transexuallity, trailer parks, fighting, rodeo riding or pantie hose with runs in them, beware.
But I digress.
Dallas Buyers Club is about Ron Woodroof, who, in the process of doing drugs and drinking himself to death, discovers he has AIDS. He's given one month to live. The diagnosis turns this marginal and very distasteful person into a fighter for the rights of persons afflicted with HIV-AIDS. And, by the way, he hates gays.

This true story, about Ron Woodroof, and other patients like him, who started these Buyers Clubs around the country, saved thousands of lives. And, along the way, Woodroof saved his own. He lived for seven years.
Matthew McConaughey plays Ron Woodroof. I think the massive amount of weight he lost for this roll is questionable but he was excellent in this roll.
Am I recommending this movie? Maybe. It features the underbelly of our country. I think it's good for people like me, who are no longer exposed to this world to be reminded that this is the way many of us live.
But if you're offended by horrible language, disgusting heterosexual sex, homosexual sex, heavy drug use (all kinds, good and bad) transexuallity, trailer parks, fighting, rodeo riding or pantie hose with runs in them, beware.