One of these guys is Dennis Rodman. The other is Dennis Leary. With Dennis Rodman getting lots of news coverage the last couple of weeks due to his famous trip to see his buddy in North Korean, I was reminded of a funny conversation I had at Christmas time.
I was in Chicago with Dave visiting his children. At dinner I got to sit next to Dave's son who is a film editor in Los Angeles. Somehow we got to talking about Dennis.
He clearly said Rodman but in my head I heard Leary. So bits of conversation went like this.
Him: He (Rodman) is a wild man.
Me: Yes, but he's (Leary) really smart.
Him: You know he's had a serious drinking issue. (Everybody who's seen "Celebrity Apprentice" knows Rodman has/had a drinking issue.)
Me: No, I didn't know that. But did you know that he (Leary) wrote a Christmas book and donated the proceeds to the firefighters?
It went on and on and I never caught on that we were discussing separate Dennises. The next day when I was on a plane to Atlanta it hit me. Dave's son must think I'm a crazy woman.
Here's my news alert for you. Dennis Rodman and Dennis Leary are not the same person. To my knowledge Rodman has never written a book and given the proceeds to firefighters. And Leary has never played basketball with Kim Jong Uu.