Monday, November 26, 2012

Superman, Welcome to My World

In yesterdays', Parade Magazine journalist Connie Schultz tells us that Clark Kent has quit the Daily Planet (again.)  But, apparently, this time he's going to be a blogger.

This saddens me, not as a blogger, but as an avid reader of newspapers.  I can understand that Clark is tired of having his stuff edited down to written sound bites.  As Schultz says, reporters have become stenographers.

I know they must feel that way sometimes but I love reading gutsy syndicated columnists Leonard Pitts and Eugene Robinson on the left, as well as Kathleen Parker and Cal Thomas on the right.  They make me a better person.

So, despite the title above, I agree with Schultz when she says, Superman....we're short on heroes these days.  We don't want you to be like the rest of us.

And I say the same thing to the four syndicated columnists I mentioned above.  Also to my local favorites, Scott Maxwell and Beth Kassab.

Hang in there with the newspaper for as long as you can.  We're all enriched and protected by you - whether we know it or not.
