Tuesday, June 5, 2012

No Such Thing as Bad Press

Most celebrities love publicity.  Some though, just do their jobs and stay under the radar.  I read this morning that a New York Post poll found that Casey Anthony is still the most hated person in America, even a year after her trial.  Don't know how Casey feels about that.  But, to my surprise, a close second for most hated is Kim Kardashian.  My guess is that she's fine with it.  She works hard to create an image that keeps people talking.

We could name scores of celebs who've done crazy things to stay in the limelight.  Madonna was tops for several decades.  But we have only to look at the magazines at the supermarket checkout to see the same misbehaving folks over and over.

Stephen Colbert announced the other night that he'd been chosen one of Maxim's 100 Hottest Women - that's right, hottest, most beautiful women.  He ranked #69.  No, I don't know how that works.  But Colbert works hard to keep his silly, self possessed persona in the spotlight.

Maxim is noted for identifying "a definitive list of the world's most beautiful women."  But how can you do that when you look only at the most famous or infamous or silly.  There are lots of truly beautiful people around - inside and out - who don't have any desire to get on the list, but belong up near the top.

I liked this cartoon from The New Yorker.
