This past week the "War on Women" temporarily became a "War on Moms" when Hillary Rosen suggested that Ann Romney can't understand the economic concerns of women because "she hasn't worked a day in her life."
Most of us moms, even though we're not richy rich, have felt the sting of somebody suggesting we don't have a brain because we're not currently out there earning the big bucks. Despite the fact that we've proven time and time again that, most of us, if we have to, can....bring home the bacon AND fry it up in the pan.
On the other hand, moms also (still) know the mind numbing, soul crushing reality of being stuck at home, even if by choice, while the other guys and gals do the glamour jobs. In the 70s I wrote a little poetry book expressing this big time frustration.
Another woman who has made an industry of expressing herself using snarky, ironic wit is Anne Taintor. She sells these little vintage photo gems with brand new captions. Many of them go a little further than I care to - but she makes a point.
Her stuff reminds me of the the "Ya Ya Sisterhood" women who's motto was "Smoke, drink and never think." But Taintor's work is directed toward smart women (sometimes at the expense of men) who understand that raising a family while trying to make a difference in the world (whether we're paid for it or not) is tough. And it takes a sense of humor.
For more on Anne Taintor, look up her website, Anne Taintor Vintage Revisited.

On the other hand, moms also (still) know the mind numbing, soul crushing reality of being stuck at home, even if by choice, while the other guys and gals do the glamour jobs. In the 70s I wrote a little poetry book expressing this big time frustration.

Her stuff reminds me of the the "Ya Ya Sisterhood" women who's motto was "Smoke, drink and never think." But Taintor's work is directed toward smart women (sometimes at the expense of men) who understand that raising a family while trying to make a difference in the world (whether we're paid for it or not) is tough. And it takes a sense of humor.
For more on Anne Taintor, look up her website, Anne Taintor Vintage Revisited.