Saturday, February 4, 2012

Start With the Small Stuff

My older daughter gave me some good advice a few years ago.  I was wondering about trading cars - mainly because of the way my car looked.   She said, "Why not have your car detailed and then make the decision."

I didn't have it detailed but I did get a deluxe cleaning that included shampooing the interior and one of those Christmas tree thingys that smells good hanging from rear view mirror.  That satisfied me for a couple more years. 

As you know, I have an old kitchen.  A couple of years ago when I was fussing about the sink, Dave bought me a fancy new faucet.  Made all the difference.

Last week, while I was in a meeting, he went to Lowe's and bought shiny new pans for the burners on our 27 year old stove.  Today I Windexed all the shiny parts, including the tea kettle.  The whole thing sparkles.

I'm glad Dave and I think alike. 

There is a little problem that will need to be addressed soon.  The self cleaning oven no longer does.  My older daughter also told me this:  "When you turn on the oven and the whole house smells like a fantastic roast beef - but you haven't put anything in there yet - it's time to clean it."
