Friday, December 30, 2011

What a Difference a Decade Makes

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve.  I guess we will all evaluate our lives a bit in the next couple of days. 

The photo above was taken in 2002 at the annual Winter Park 4th of July party.  I was having a nice time with my Oldies and my late husband, Ken, who was terminally ill.  I can't tell you how difficult it was watching this brilliant, energetic, creative man disappear before my eyes.  But I was determined to keep him at home until the end, even though I was aware that care giving spouses tend to die before the patient.  I was exhausted in body, mind and, occasionally, in spirit. But I figured I'd probably spend the rest of my life "resting" in front of the TV set.

The photo below was taken a few months ago in Venice Beach, California.  Dave and I are having a fantastic time on one of our many fabulous trips. 

What a difference a decade makes!  I've had a life full of love, hard but meaningful work, and a big beautiful family but, for some strange reason that I don't understand, this is My Best Time.

God works in mysterious ways. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
