Monday, September 26, 2011

The Electricity Bill Was What??

Yesterday  a friend and person I admire was the speaker in our Sunday school class.  (She's the one who recommended we see the movie "Contagion.")

She's also a big time environmentalist.  That's what she spoke about.  As you know, Dave and I are aspiring environmentalists as well.  But we could do a better job.  We all could. 

When we got back to Florida in early August after being away for three months, the condo was a mess.  Dark and hot.  I'd warned Dave that there might be a few dead bugs but I was still afraid it might be a deal breaker when he saw them.  The Florida Palmetto Bug - which the rest of the world calls a roach - is a sight to behold when several of them, about the size of  lobsters, are belly-up on your kitchen floor.

We got them cleaned up but, after seeing a couple more in the next few days, I broke down and used some chemical spray behind the fridge and dish washer.

That was wrong.  Bad for the environment.

Then we had several weeks of work done, including having the place painted.  Every day when I came home the doors were wide open and the outside hose was running.  I spoke to the guys a couple of times but not very firmly. 

Needless the say, the utility bills were through the roof. 

I told Dave I was so happy he married me so we could pay them together.  But that's not the point. The point is that we all need to be careful with our resources, i.e. the earth's resources.

Once they're gone - they're gone.
