Thursday, April 14, 2011

Will We Be Limitless?

A while back I wrote about the movie "Limitless."  It's about a guy who takes a pill to make his brain work on all 8 cylinders at once, thereby making his intelligence limitless.

A couple of nights ago we saw Ray Kurzweil, renowned futurist and all around smart guy on the Corbert Report.  (No, we don't watch the Report at 11:30 PM.  We watch a day later at 7:30 PM.)

Kurzweil said a couple of amazing things:

- Right now a kid in Africa with a Smart Phone has more information available to him that the president of the U.S. had 15 years ago.  (That president would have been Bill Clinton, another really smart guy.)

- Thirty or so years in the future our minds will merge with technology and we will be on billion times smarter!

You may remember that my big problem with the guy in the movie "Limitless" was what he did with his new intelligence. 

I just hope that when we become one billion times smarter we don't become one billion times greedier.  I hope we become one billion times more loving, generous and altruistic.
