Monday, February 7, 2011

More on the Ever Changing Internet

Leonard Pitts' column yesterday mentions the video going around showing a 1994 clip of Katie Curic and Bryant Gumbel trying to explain what this new thing "The Internet" was. They couldn't do it because they didn't know.

Pitts says this:

...fundamental changes are occurring at unprecedented speed and you and I have not a clue where we're going, what we're going to be when we get there, or even much time to wonder. We are too busy bailing water from the sinking boats of former lives and professions.

Well, I certainly feel that way some of the time but I think younger people all over the world keep up pretty well. That's why things are happening at such a fast pace that some of our heads are spinning - and some of it is amazingly good.

The remarkable photo above, taken this past Friday and immediately posted on the Internet, shows Christians protecting Muslims as they say their prayers in Cairo's Tahrir Square. .
