As you probably have seen, American Atheist David Silverman has erected a billboard in New York of the Nativity with the headline "You Know It's a Myth."
H-E-Double Toothpicks has broken loose. The cable networks have gone crazy with it. A Catholic organization has erected a competing billboard on the other side of the street. Same Nativity but with the headline "You Know It's the Truth." When I saw a representative being interviewed he was hoppin' mad.
Is it a myth? Not for me it isn't. Well, some of the details of the birth story might be. The time line for those three Kings coming to the manger don't quite work out - but the basic story and the ultimate meaning of the story work just fine for me.
How do I react to Mr. Silverman's billboard? It makes me think and makes me reaffirm my faith.
How do I react to the wild, angry comments from Christian organizations and individuals around the country? I wish they'd read the Sermon on the Mount or at least a Christmas card or two that show Jesus as The Prince of Peace.
I wish they'd evidence a sense of humor and a little loving Christian tolerance and kindness.
You know, the way Jesus did.