Yesterday I went, with some of my girlfriends, to the Orlando Museum of Art to see the Festival of the Trees. Corporations and other sponsors produce glitzy elaborately decorated Christmas trees. It's a study in over-the-top- ness. It has nothing to do with the birth of the baby in the manger.
But I like it.
We had fun but I was a bit uncomfortable hoofing it across the park to my car because it was 82 degrees and the sun was blazing.
This morning Dave and I hopped on a plane and flew to his home in Minneapolis. As you know, it's been snowing in Minnesota. And I hope it snows some more before we drive back down south in Dave's car.
I know that thousands of people travel every day and a change of scenery is no big deal to them. But I'm still in awe of flying across the country and experiencing the opposite weather.
I hope I never stop being in awe of what's around me.