This morning I took my usual Saturday walk on my favorite street in all the world.
I love looking at the sidewalk sales. I saw some black jeans that were half price at only $178.
As you may remember, I have a hard time with the double strollers blocking my way at the farmer's market and the designer dogs. And I especially have a problem with the double strollers that contain dogs.
Ever since my running days I've been intimidated by big dogs, even if they're dressed better than I am. Loving but clueless dog owners (or as some of them call themselves "parents") think the rest of us are fine with their one hundred pound dogs lunging at or jumping on us petless walkers. But maybe being knocked down or nipped on this street would have an upside.
But I was treated to a new sight today. I'm used to the guy with the colorful parrot on his shoulder but - and I'm not making this up - I saw a big guy with a little black bunny rabbit on an expensive leash.
I missed Dave. I missed my Oldies. But, as usual, I loved my walk.