I think God absolutely has a sense of humor.
"The Nature of God" is a heavy theological controversy but almost everybody has an opinion, though they might not phrase it that way.
A while back, on The Daily Show, Jason Jones did a piece on a minister who teaches Mixed Martial Arts in the name of Jesus.
It's called "Extreme Ministries." Jesus is depicted as the ultimate fighter.
In this ministry there's a lot of head splitting and teeth flying out.
I guess we all have some ideas for God about how he could do a better job of getting his word out. The cartoon above is from a recent New Yorker Magazine.
I tend to get my ideas about what God is like from the Bible, especially the N.T. A careful reading of the Gospels shows Jesus, mostly, as a totally loving, peace loving, cheek turning, humble, forgiving (did I mention loving) God/Human.
Yes, he got angry. But, by far, he was most irritated by his followers.
And, yes, God has a sense of humor.
Hey, get that telephone pole out of your own eye before poking at that speck in mine. (Matt. 7:1-5 Paraphrased)
By the way, the above scripture is all about judging other people. Apparently we're not supposed to do it.
Other evidence of God's sense of humor: God puts up with me.