Dave likes buildings - as most commercial architects do.
A few years ago the tallest building in the world was in Kuala Lumpur - where Dave was born.
Now, the tallest building, by far, is in Dubai. At 160 stories, it's taller than the Chrysler Building on top of the Empire State Building.
What's a good reason to put up the tallest building in the world? There aren't any. It's pointless. Somebody will always put up one taller.
Since this is a G-rated blog, we won't get into the reasons why men want to continually build bigger. But the picture gives us a clue. (This bulding is 1,000 feet higher than the next tallest in the world. So there!)
As you may know, Dubai, like many of the big cities around the globe is broke. While this building was going up, growth in Dubai came to a halt. Many of the others you see in this photo are empty.
And, for the most part, this one, which is called The Burj Khalifa, is empty as well. An article in last week's paper says that it was unexpectedly closed to the public a month after it's opening. We don't know why.
By the way, Dave didn't design super tall buildings. His were much more people friendly and functional.