Yesterday Dave and I went to one of my very favorite art museums, the Mennello. It's very small. The size of a house. But it has wonderful, fun works of art and is on a lake, in a park setting.
Even kids or those people who say "I don't know art but I know what I like" like it.
Yesterday was special because this couple from St. Louis, John and Susan Horseman, has loaned their personal art collection to the Mennello. They were there, along with the St. Louis art director, to talk about their collection - which is, by the way, magnificent.
What would make a young couple with 6 kids start collecting serious art? Their first pieces are all about moms and children. Then they expanded into art work depicting the history of places they've lived.
They were very open and knowledgeable about the history of all 47 pieces. And answered all questions - a couple of which were very uncool.
How much did you pay for this one? What do you do for a living?
If you go to the Mennello - and I hope you do - and you see the Vorst painting of the black, southern mother and child - notice the small Hitler poster in the corner. Vorst was German.
It's fun to have an expert who loves and knows the paintings point out things I would never see otherwise.