Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Have You Heard?

Have you heard that Michael Jackson died? Of course you have. Even Osoma Ben Laden living in the cave in Pakistan has all the details.

What is it with us that we're fixated on this? Some people have suggested that it's our new instant communication but the same thing happened when Elvis died.

And when O. J. shot his wife. (I'm very much aware that minor celebs shooting their wives gets a lot of press.)

I get that both Michael and Elvis were great, one of a kind, innovative entertainers - but their personal lives were a mess. Is that a plus or a minus in our need for non stop info?

I guess it takes our attention from Iran, the economy and the countless other things that actually, you know, affect us.

Speaking of Elvis and Michael and their many things in common - including that crazy inter marriage a few years ago - I hear that the Jackson family has plans afoot for Michael to replace Elvis as the top money making dead celebrity.

Elvis made 52 million dollars in 2008.

I'm not questioning the Presley family or the Jackson family or even Al Sharpton. I'm wondering about our need for all this coverage.
