Friday, February 6, 2009

I'm A Slumdog

As you know, I love movies and always have.
Last night we paid the big money to see "Slumdog Millionaire."

It's been astoundingly successful both with critical acclaim and with the public despite the fact that it's had a lot of bad press, especially from India.

Indian activists claim that the children of the slums were exploited, the title is demeaning, etc.

The director, Danny Boyle is English, so I guess it is hard to see outsiders come in and present your home in such a sad way. But the movie has earned $100 million dollars world wide and is the front runner for the best picture Oscar.

Newsweek calls the movie part thriller, part romantic comedy, part musical. I disagree.

I was disturbed by it. It gave me nightmares last night. Did I like it? Yes. But in the same way I liked "Schindler's List." By the way, there is a horrible scene in "Slumdogs" that's taken right out of "Schindler's List. "

In a small way I could relate to these kids. No, not the electric shock or the water boarding or the eyes gouged out with a spoon - but I could relate to growing up without a mother, the being on my own at an early age, the inability to protect my brother, the being cold and hungry.

A close friend (one of my Power Rangers) told me recently that it was one of the best movies she's ever seen. I get that. She's traveled all over the world - many times on mission trips where she was helping the poor.

But it was almost too much for me.

I did like the fact that Jamel's brother had the strength to finally do the right thing - because of his faith.

The movie does end joyfully with a typical Bollywood dance. My friend also told me that the dance defines the word "Bollywood."

She's coming for dinner tonight so we'll have more opportunity to discuss "Slumdog Millionaire."

We've having Curried Chicken and Rice.
