For the last 40 years, as far as I know, I've voted in every election (no matter how small.)
Here in Florida we now have early voting for presidential elections. This started on Monday but, according to the papers and some scary word of mouth, the wait can be hours. As you know, Floridans are notorious for not doing the voting thing well.
I went to the county library yesterday, armed with my driver's license and cheat sheet. The line snaked out through the lobby. I said to my boyfriend, "Oh, no!" But I cued up.
What a surprise. It moved fast. Sort of like a line at Disney. People were happy and there were interesting things to look at along the way.
The volunteers were friendly and well trained - and there must have been 20 voting machines. No wonder the line moved fast.
The only glitch was at the end when I couldn't get my ballet sheet to go into the box. The worker helped me but in doing so, since I'd taken my sheet out of its folder, she could see who I voted for. I know her and I know I didn't vote for her guy.
She helped me anyway. With a smile. What a country! What a privilege to be able to vote.