Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pea Salad

Last February one of my Power Rangers sent an e-mail to the rest of us with her recipe for pea salad, because, apparently, everybody was raving about it.

The night before we'd gathered with our husbands and significant others for a pot luck dinner before seeing a play. She brought pea salad.

As it turns out, and as she smartly pointed out in her e-mail, (she's a gifted writer) the play was terrible. Only one of us liked it. The next day the critics went "old testament" on it. It was called "Alice in Techno Land." Sort of a modern, convoluted version of "Alice in Wonderland." I always thought the original version was pretty convoluted and that Alice had some serious psychological problems.

But the dinner was great.

However, I had not tried the pea salad so I wasn't excited to get the e-mail except that it's always a treat to get a written message from her.

When I was cleaning up my computer before leaving town for the summer I found the note and printed it out because you just never know when you might need a recipe for pea salad when you're away from home for several months.

Tomorrow we're going to a 4th of July party. Today I made the salad. It's sooooo good! And so easy. My Boyfriend and I used up so many spoons tasting it (no double dipping) that I'm hoping we saved enough for the party.

Here's the recipe.

Julia's Pea Salad

Mix together a 16 ox. bag frozen (small) peas, thawed, 1 eight oz. can of sliced water chestnuts, 3/4ths cup of whole cashews, and 6 green onions, thinly sliced.

In another small bowl mix together 1/2 cup mayo, 1 teaspoon soy sauce, and 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger.

Stir this into the pea mixture and you're done. It can be made a day ahead or the last minute. Serves 6.

She used what she calls the "sinful" kind of mayo. I didn't but I doubt that Hellman's light is totally without sin.

Have a great 4th of July. Remember, explosives and alcohol don't mix! Pick one.
