Monday, May 12, 2008


A person I hardly even know (but who obviously reads this blog) got after me yesterday about pressuring my Boyfriend to buy a television set. As you know, a couple of postings back, I started a 24 Day Count Down to June 2nd.

Here are some more Boyfriend/Television thoughts:

When we were having a formal dinner with 8 lovely people on our fantastic cruise a few weeks back I brought up the subject. Attempting to motivate my Boyfriend I asked each couple how many TVs they have. All of them have several. One couple has 11!

I told them that a member of my extended family has that many - but one of my sons told me yesterday that this person actually has 14! This is a woman whom I admire very much. Not especially for that reason - but still.

I have 3.

And what about this: My Boyfriend's son lives in L.A. and is an Emmy winning television editor - for heavens sake.

OK, my Boyfriend has had other things on his mind since going home. Lots of home repairs. And this is the time of year that raccoons like to get married and have babies on his roof.

But still: We're at Day 21 of the 24 Day Count Down!
