Thursday, April 3, 2008

Why Do You Love Us?

My Power Rangers and I were talking yesterday about how our lives are changing - including our priorities. Most of us no longer have careers. Many of us don't cook on a day to day basis - but we do like to entertain.

Most of us have downsized so keeping the house up is no longer a big issue.

When we were discussing the lack of domestic chores one of my P.R.'s told us that her husband laughingly said to her "If you die nothing will change!"

So what do we do all day?


And how are our relationships with our significant others?

Better than ever.

I was in a another group recently with My Oldies. "He" was telling the group how much he loved "Her." He sort of went on and on about how he feels about her. By the way, they've been married for 65 years.

Another man spoke up and said, "Isn't it wonderful to have a wife cook for you and clean your house and yada, yada, yada?"

I spoke up and said "She doesn't do any of those things!"

They don't have that kind of relationship.

My Boyfriend and I don't have that kind of relationship.

My Power Rangers and their husbands don't have that kind of relationship.

It's deeper.
