Monday, February 4, 2008

The Giver of Gifts

One of my Power Rangers keeps giving me gifts. I wish she'd stop.

She is one of the most giving people I've ever seen - and that's saying something because I'm surrounded by givers.

A while back she gave me a suit that was almost new but didn't fit her anymore. I was going to refuse it but it's gorgeous and fits me perfectly and I love it. So I'm keepin' it.

After the birth of my last grandchild she left one of those "grandmother and child" sculptures at my front door. I called her and said (in my charming way) "Stop it."

She said the only reason she did it was because I saved her husband's life. (I drove him to the hospital.)

I told her the only reason I saved his life was because she gave me the suit.

Dark chocolate is good for blood pressure. Saturday the doorbell rang. There she was with the biggest bag of Hershey's Extra Dark Chocolates I've ever seen.

What am I going to do with her?
