I'm taking a story telling class. Yesterday we talked about the importance of using a person's name. We like hearing our names.
One of the times I most like hearing my name is when I'm taking communion. If the minister says, "Cecily, the body of Christ broken for you" I am deeply moved.
This reminds me of an old MASH episode. There was a young soldier with a head wound and suffering from post traumatic stress, who thought he was Jesus. Not the bossy, obnoxious Jesus a lot of people think they are but the real Jesus with the loving, forgiving qualities we know from reading the scriptures.
As this soldier is getting on the truck to be taken to a medical facility, Radar shows up with his teddy bear. As you remember, Radar was kind of naive so he wasn't quite sure that this soldier wasn't Jesus.
So Radar said, "Would you bless my teddy bear?"
The soldier gently said, "I'll bless you too, Radar"
Radar takes off his hat and says, "My name is Walter."
One of the times I most like hearing my name is when I'm taking communion. If the minister says, "Cecily, the body of Christ broken for you" I am deeply moved.

As this soldier is getting on the truck to be taken to a medical facility, Radar shows up with his teddy bear. As you remember, Radar was kind of naive so he wasn't quite sure that this soldier wasn't Jesus.
So Radar said, "Would you bless my teddy bear?"
The soldier gently said, "I'll bless you too, Radar"
Radar takes off his hat and says, "My name is Walter."