A few decades ago there was a sick joke going around supposedly quoting O.J. Simpson on his frustration with women and why he was forced to decapitate his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson.
Women, ya can't live with 'em, you can't cut their heads off.
A harsh, but false statement. In many places in the world women and girls are still being put to death (and some by decapitation) through no fault of their own. In addition, on a routine basis, they're being mutilated, raped, beaten, forced into child marriage forced into genital mutilation and forced into child prostitution.
I'm proud of a dedicated group of folks in my church, many of them close friends, who are working hard to eradicate human trafficking which involves sexual and physical slavery - both right here in Central Florida, and around the world.
A few weeks ago I read Jimmy Carter's new book A Call to Action. In it he comes on strong about how religion is used around the world to abuse women. And he's calling out the three major world religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
In his book, President Carter, through the Carter Center, lists 23 actions called Mobilizing Faith for Women. Following are a few of the 23 with which I particularly agree.

A harsh, but false statement. In many places in the world women and girls are still being put to death (and some by decapitation) through no fault of their own. In addition, on a routine basis, they're being mutilated, raped, beaten, forced into child marriage forced into genital mutilation and forced into child prostitution.
I'm proud of a dedicated group of folks in my church, many of them close friends, who are working hard to eradicate human trafficking which involves sexual and physical slavery - both right here in Central Florida, and around the world.
A few weeks ago I read Jimmy Carter's new book A Call to Action. In it he comes on strong about how religion is used around the world to abuse women. And he's calling out the three major world religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
In his book, President Carter, through the Carter Center, lists 23 actions called Mobilizing Faith for Women. Following are a few of the 23 with which I particularly agree.
- Remind political and religious leaders of abuses and what they can do to alleviate them.
- Encourage religious and political leaders to relegate warfare and violence to a last resort as a solution to terrorism.
- Abandon the death penalty and seek to rehabilitate criminals.
- Induce individuals nations to elevate the end of human trafficking to a top priority.
- Help remove commanding officers from control over cases of sexual abuse in the military.
- Apply Title IX protection for women students and evolve laws and procedures in all nations to reduce the plague of abuse on university campuses
- Expose and condemn infanticide of baby girls and selective abortion of female fetuses.
- Strengthen UN and other legal impediments to ending gentile mutilation, child marriage, trafficking, and other abuses of girls and women.
- Adopt the Swedish model by prosecuting pimps, brothel owners and male customers, not the prostitutes.
- Condemn the use of sexual violence as a tool of war.
- Condemn and outlaw honor killings.
You may not agree with the above list but I hope it makes you think.