This morning's Orlando Sentinel has an interview with United Health Care's Medical Director, Dennis Young. In the article Dr. Young gives Central Florida a grade of C in evaluating our overall health. Here's the rundown. It's not pretty.
- Obesity: D to F. Over 27% of us are obese.
- Smoking: C
- Exercise D to F.
- Diabetes: F. Over 10% of us have diabetes.
- High School Graduation: F. Less than 70% of us graduate.

So if you are an obese, sedentary, high school dropout, diabetic smoker....Come on down! You'll fit right in.
OK, Seriously, it's New Years. Time for new decisions with our health care and everything else. Time for a new start. I love new beginnings.
In addition to the dismal grades above, Dr. Young gives us an A grade for our excellent quality of health care here in Central Florida. So come on down no matter what kind of shape you're in. We'll help you get physically, spiritually, intellectually and emotionally better - if you want to.